A little bit, and another poem

Yeay, gw bisa posting lagi! Thx escape, warnet kesayangan gw yang sejuuukkk...

Yah, tadinya gw mw posting tentang rencana ganti header, cuma berhubung tmn gw yang punya gambarnya lupa bwa kabel data wae ya.. Gajadi.

Anyway, gw cuma bisa posting puisi lagi. Gw emang lagi full of inspiration sih... ENJOY



-Opus 1. Before the After-

At first, there were two

One is me, one is her

I am me, and she is her

We are interconnected, feeling content

I'm in mine, and she in hers

No correlation, no causality

I'm one of us, she's one of them

And there's this emptiness

We're happy, not sad

We're not sad, not sad at all

In fact it was really fine

Interlocale connection PERFECT

-Opus 2. After the Before-

And then, there's still two

Something has changes, something hasn't

One is still me, the other is still her

But i am me, for she is her

If she is not her, i am not me

But if i am not me, she'll still be her

Confusing, yet clear. Painful, yet addictive

Sad, yet filled with happiness

There is no us, no there isn't

I'm not one of us, she's still one of them

Now, it's still two

Something has changes, something hasn't

There's still me, there's still her

And then, there's this void

Awkward, yet tempting. Dark, yet full of hope

It's sad, it's really sad

Yet here i am, trying to close the void

Wishing to travel to hers, but not becoming one of them

We're not happy, yet we're perfectly fine

Locale connection IMPERFECT




Well, gua pikir makin lama gw makin berkembang, hha~

Thx to : Kubo tite 4 inspiring me...

Oh yeah, about this one. Well, it's all me, it's what i do best, haha...



9 Responses
  1. Unknown Says:

    gw suka puisinya....
    jadi iri.. soalnya gw kagak bisa nulis puisi,,,
    btw gw suka pas ada kata2 perfect...
    krn itu judullagunya simple plan..

  2. apa yg membuat lw mengambil inspirasi dari tite kubo ? pingin tau ~

  3. Anonim Says:

    irony, ya?

    wa juga demen, tuh (irony)

    manteb, fizh
    terutama bagian keduanya (After the Before)

  4. Dila.Dila Says:

    itu puisi cinta ? ? ?
    ato pelajaran logika matematika ? ? ?

    sumpah mirip . . .

    hehehehehehe . . .

  5. Anonim Says:

    keren puisinya...
    keep posting....

  6. H-FiZ Says:


    Tulis aja, nanti juga makin bagus lama2, puisi gw sebelon2nya kan ancur


    Liat yg vol 8 ato 9??


    Irony gimana??


    Diemah, mau gua kasi soal beneran??


    Makasi makasi...

  7. dian Says:

    puisinya baguss..

    keep writing..
    kali aja bisa bikin buku sendiri khusus puisi2 ciptaanya H-fiz

  8. Anonim Says:

    Irony dari:
    Confusing, yet clear. Painful, yet addictive

    Sad, yet filled with happiness
    Awkward, yet tempting. Dark, yet full of hope


    masalahnya udah beres, belom, fizh?

  9. Dinda A. M Says:

    hwaa... gw tuh iri bgt sama lw deh... gimana caranya gw bisa punya otak sepinter lw. itu COMPLIMENT loh!! hehee... :)